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SHELLS OF ELEGANCE: A workshop on Emotional Spaces and Spatial Intelligence [PART I]


TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep
TCC-CIMET Shells of elegance emotions from the deep

The Technology Consultancy Centre (TCC) at KNUST is a globally recognized Category II Centre under UNESCO for Engineering Education in Africa. TCC is the umbrella organization for all the colleges and departments with international recognition. Founded to bridge the gap between academia and industry, TCC has been instrumental in driving Ghana's industrial development. Its Intermediate Technology Transfer Unit has been pivotal in introducing essential machine tools and manufacturing processes, leading to successful government initiatives like GRATIS. TCC's expertise spans various sectors, including construction materials, clean cooking technologies, food processing, and agricultural machinery. The centre has made significant contributions to innovation and technology transfer, fostering capacity building and promoting engineering knowledge in Ghana. As a leading hub for innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology transfer, TCC is dedicated to driving economic growth, fostering social entrepreneurship, and cultivating industrial excellence in Africa. With its expertise, well-equipped facilities, and commitment to collaboration, TCC can significantly contribute to SMART SDG Cities initiatives, bridging the skills gap, and promoting digitalisations and sustainable development in Communities across Ghana
Thi workshop provided opportunities in :
- Joint research initiatives
- Expert lectures and workshops
- Skill development programs
- Access to smart technologies

FOLLOW The Smart Cities and Manufacturing Laboratory (SCiM LAB) on Instagram to see more projects.

1 comment

  1. very Insightful
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